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    Men of Trinity

    Posted on Friday, April 07, 2017

    You are not too late to enjoy another in season Men of Trinity breakfast before we move to our summer “headquarters”!  On Monday, April 10th,  at 8 am in the parish hall, Father Edward will speak to the Men of Trinity and share his vision for the future as well as review the church season.  This end of season up-date is proving to be one of our more popular breakfasts before many of us head back up north.  With all the great things going on at Trinity-by-the-Cove, why not stop in for a m..

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    Healing Ministry

    Posted on Tuesday, April 04, 2017

    In the November Trinitarian Mother Jean wrote, “God desires healing of brokenness. That term 'brokenness' includes a full range of conditions including physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and social issues. Any kind of brokenness creates a barrier to receiving divine grace and healing." Many of us are using the Living Compass Living Well Through Lent 2017 as a guide for our journey through Lent. This resource uses the topic of 'Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Min..

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