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    Liturgy, Worship, & the Heart

    Posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2017

    Each Sunday, we gather for a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist includes the Liturgy of the Word and the Holy Communion. The word liturgy means "the work of the people," as in "public works." In the Church, liturgy means the order of service that we use for worship, including words, and gestures, and ceremonies. Liturgy is not exactly the same as worship. The word worship comes from the Anglo-Saxon word, "worthship." It means ascribing worth or value to something or someone. In ..

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    How to Read Scripture

    Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017

    In order to understand a passage of Scripture, one must determine the single meaning of the passage based on the original intent of the author. Sound familiar? That's how I was taught to read Scripture, anyway. The upshot: Scripture has a single meaning—a literal one—and the task of the reader is to uncover what the author's intent was at the time that he wrote it. This is an approach that is rife with problems, to put it mildly (since when does anything have a "single meaning"? is it ..

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