2025 Annual Pledge Job Openings


Sunday formation meets at 10:10 a.m., between the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services on Sundays. In addition to our year-long catechumenate program (Faith-Seeking Journey), we offer a diverse array of classes as we seek to grow in love of God and neighbor.


Faith-Seeking Journey
September to June

This year-long program led by Fr. Steve is addressed to the desire people have to discover God. It is an attempt to provide them with the habits and resources that will enable them to seek him within the branch of the family of God known as the Episcopal Church, and it will initiate them into the mystery of Christian experience through the sacraments, within the course of the liturgical year. It aims to transform lives, by providing participants with the resources to live the Christian life in today's world.  If you are new to Trinity, the Episcopal Church, or want to grow in your faith and get more involved at Trinity, this is the journey for you!
Click here for more details.


Learning to Disagree
September 15-October 13, 2024

“As we seek to faithfully navigate the challenges of a polarized and partisan 2024, we each confront the question: how do we learn to disagree wisely and well? Can people of faith model robust dialogue–and preserve relationships–in good faith without surrendering or downplaying our convictions?” Join Father Edward as he leads a discussion of these and related issues based on John Inazu’s latest book, Learning to Disagree. This conversation won’t tell you what to believe, but it should change the way you engage with disagreement.


The Development of Early Christian Belief with John Hushon
October 20-November 17, 2024

During the first three centuries of the Church, Christians were attempting to understand the life and message of Jesus of Nazareth. How did His teachings fit with everyday life, with Judaic or pagan religious practices and beliefs, with salvation? There were many different ways of thinking through these issues. In this series John will explore some of the early disputes, and how the Church dealt with orthodoxy and heresy, and what Christianity might mean for to each of us. John will draw on the research he did in authoring two novels: “The Tax Collector’s Good News” and “Heretic!”—the latter scheduled for publication in fall 2024.


Advent with the Gospels: Four Portraits of the One who is to Come
November 24-December 22, 2024

All four Gospels give us an account of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But each Gospel tells that story from a unique perspective, with its own special focus on some aspect of the person and work of Jesus. As we journey through the season of Advent, we will spend four Sundays looking in turn at each Gospel and what it reveals about the One who is to come.


Seven Biblical Words Everyone Should Know
January 12-February 23, 2025

Languages are beautiful and complex. And the complexity only deepens when a text from one language is translated into another. We read our Bibles in English translation, but there are some key words or concepts that defy easy translation and are so important to our faith that they warrant special study. Come join your clergy as we discuss seven such words from the Bible that will enrich your theological vision and help you live more faithfully in your life.


Lenten Study with David Marshall
March 9-April 6, 2025

Lent is a season of self-reflection – a time for soul-searching and personal growth. This year, join the Rev. David Marshall as he leads us in a Lenten study which will enrich and deepen our faith in the God whom we confess in our Creed and who meets us in the pages of Scripture.



We offer many opportunities for spiritual growth and formation throughout the week. In addition to our regular weekly offerings below, clergy are always available to speak to you about how you can apply the Bible to your daily life.


Tuesday Morning Bible
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Filled with discussion and guidance, this class rotates through different books of the Bible and is facilitated by Fr. Steve Zimmerman.  All are welcome!


Contemplative Prayer
Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m.

Contemplative Prayer is a group that meets to practice contemplative or centering prayer.  No matter your experience in prayer, you are welcome to discover for yourself the restorative power of silent prayers.


Education for Ministry (EfM)
Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.

EfM is a four-year program for Christian lay people who want to connect spiritually with the activities and relationships of daily life. Each year focuses on a different topic: the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, Church History, and Theology and Ethics. The group is facilitated by Mthr. Marti Dalby.


Women's Bible Study
Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

This group of women meets weekly for study and fellowship. Study topics range from Paul's letters to spiritual literature, wherever the Spirit leads us!  All women of the parish are welcome.


Men's Bible Study 
Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

Whether a book of the Bible or spiritual literature, you can expect some lively discussions, great fellowship, and the opportunity to see the story of our lives through the story of Scripture. All men of the parish are welcome.


Brown Bag Bible 
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.

Brown Bag Bible Study meets via Zoom to read and discuss Scripture together. The discussion is often enriched though the examination of art. All are welcome – just bring your Bible.


Pray. Eat. Grow. Study 
Thursdays at 6:45 p.m.

After choral evensong and dinner, we have an opportunity to grow in faith through a rotating series of classes. This year our studies include the art of cultivating deep relationships, Bach in Advent, and much more. In addition, throughout the year, we invite speakers to come talk to us on timely issues of faith and Christian living, and this takes the place of our regular formation time on Thursday Nights.