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Sunday formation meets at 10:10 a.m., between the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services on Sundays. In addition to our year-long catechumenate program (Faith-Seeking Journey), we offer a diverse array of classes as we seek to grow in love of God and neighbor.


Faith-Seeking Journey
September to May

This year-long program led by Fr. Steve is addressed to the desire people have to discover God. It is an attempt to provide them with the habits and resources that will enable them to seek him within the branch of the family of God known as the Episcopal Church, and it will initiate them into the mystery of Christian experience through the sacraments, within the course of the liturgical year. It aims to transform lives, by providing participants with the resources to live the Christian life in today's world.  If you are new to Trinity, the Episcopal Church, or want to grow in your faith and get more involved at Trinity, this is the journey for you!
Click here for more details.


Behind the Curtain
September 17-October 1, 2023

Trinity is a remarkable community of faith – a place to worship God, to give and receive support in time of need, and to reach out into our community with arms of love. This all depends on the faithful ministry and hard work of many Trinitarians working behind the scenes. Join our Rector as he engages in discussion ministry leaders in the areas of Pastoral Care, Outreach, and Music to give the rest of us a little glimpse of what happens “behind the curtain” at Trinity.


Judaism and Christianity in the 1st Century
October 8-29, 2023

The relationship between the birth of Christianity and the Jewish tradition out of which it was born has generated much scholarly interest of late. What was the Jewish context into which Jesus was born? How did Jesus’ teaching and ministry relate to the Judaism of his day? How did the historical context of the Roman empire influence this relationship as Paul took the message of the gospel to the Gentiles? Join John Hushon as he seeks to address these questions in a four-part series on Judaism and Christianity in the 1st Century.


Understanding Anglicanism
November 5-26, 2023

Anglicanism is a tradition that encompasses within itself a wide range of different liturgical and theological traditions. From high church Anglo-Catholics to socially concerned Liberals to low church Evangelicals, the Anglican tradition is a broad church indeed! Join the Rev. Dr. David Marshall as he takes us on a historical tour of the roots of these diverse traditions, before examining in subsequent sessions the lives of prominent Anglican figures who exemplify each tradition: Michael Ramsey and Rowan Williams, John A. T. Robinson, John Stott, and the best-selling author and Anglican layman who doesn’t quite fit in any one camp, C. S. Lewis.


Reflections on Tumaini
January 7, 2024

Tumaini is the Swahili word for Hope – it is also the name of a charity that seeks to alleviate the terrible suffering of Aids widows and orphans in Kagera, Tanzania. Over the summer Fr. Edward and two of his children traveled to Tanzania with Dr. Susan Wilson to see some of the work that she has been doing there through the Tumaini Fund. Come to the Parish Hall to hear Howard and Nora share some of the experiences and insights they gained on their trip.


Stories of Service
January 14-28, 2024

Service is at the heart of the Christian life. Jesus came among us “as one who serves” (Luke 22:27), and he said that the world would know that we are his disciples by the love that we have for one another (John 13:35). In this three-part series we will hear the stories of three groups of servant-leaders and their ministry to this church community, to the children and families in our midst, and to the needy in Collier County.


Coffee Connections
February 4 / February 18 / April 7, 2024

Once a month in the spring will we have an opportunity to gather together during the formation hour, for Coffee Connections – a small group discussion-based Bible study on a variety of topics, led by one of the clergy. Great things happen when Christians gather and open up the Scriptures together! On February 18 the conversation will focus on the work of Tumaini as we welcome our special guest, Dr. Susan Wilson.


Lenten Practices
February 11 and March 3-17, 2024

Lent is a season of self-reflection – a time for soul-searching and personal growth. It’s not uncommon for people to take up one spiritual practice and try to keep it up throughout the season, and perhaps beyond. This year, what if your ‘one thing’ is to try four different things – four spiritual practices to enhance your journey through Lent and beyond.




We offer many opportunities for spiritual growth and formation throughout the week. In addition to our regular weekly offerings below, clergy are always available to speak to you about how you can apply the Bible to your daily life.


Tuesday Morning Bible
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Filled with discussion and guidance, this class rotates through different books of the Bible and is facilitated by Fr. Steve Zimmerman.  All are welcome!


Contemplative Prayer
Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m.

Contemplative Prayer is a group that meets to practice contemplative or centering prayer.  No matter your experience in prayer, you are welcome to discover for yourself the restorative power of silent prayers.


Education for Ministry (EfM)
Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.

EfM is a four-year program for Christian lay people who want to connect spiritually with the activities and relationships of daily life. Each year focuses on a different topic: the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, Church History, and Theology and Ethics. The group is facilitated by Mthr. Marti Dalby.


Women's Bible Study
Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

This group of women meets weekly for study and fellowship. Study topics range from Paul's letters to spiritual literature, wherever the Spirit leads us!  All women of the parish are welcome.


Men's Bible Study 
Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

Whether a book of the Bible or spiritual literature, you can expect some lively discussions, great fellowship, and the opportunity to see the story of our lives through the story of Scripture. All men of the parish are welcome.


Brown Bag Bible 
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.

Brown Bag Bible Study meets via Zoom to read and discuss Scripture together. The discussion is often enriched though the examination of art. All are welcome – just bring your Bible.


Pray. Eat. Grow. Study 
Thursdays at 6:45 p.m.

After choral evensong and dinner, we have an opportunity to grow in faith through a rotating series of classes. This year we will study the Lord's Prayer, Art in Advent, the Evensong Canticles, and some Reflections on Church History. In addition, throughout the year, we invite speakers to come talk to us on timely issues of faith and Christian living, and this takes the place of our regular formation time on Thursday Nights.