Posted on Monday, May 01, 2017
In both Jewish and Christian traditions The Psalms has been called the prayer book of the Bible. It is a collection of prayers that has been used in worship from the time of ancient Israel up to the present. Because the psalms range so widely in emotional expression, from the heights of adoration and praise to the depths of vengeful curses against the enemy, they have special relevance to our prayer life. They teach us to hide nothing from God. Rather they speak to all that is real in our lives and give voice to our deepest truth. They bless the best in us and heal the worst.
No matter what we are feeling -- distress, trust, anger or delight — we find the words of the psalms accompany us into God's presence. In the psalms we find words to express every conceivable human condition and feeling. These prayers give us words to glorify, confess, hope, ask and even curse, and in so doing, they give us permission to share our whole being with God.
We are inviting all women to join us in a small group experience of the Psalms . . .
Psalms: Prayers of the Heart
Meeting weekly on Thursdays, 9:00 am in the Library.
Starting May 25 through August 10
If you are interested in attending any or all of these weekly gatherings, please contact Mthr. Jean Hite to reserve a book. (Books will be available a week before the first meeting or at the first meeting.)
We are inviting all women to join us in a small group experience of the Psalms . . .
Psalms: Prayers of the Heart
Meeting weekly on Thursdays, 9:00 am in the Library.
Starting May 25 through August 10
If you are interested in attending any or all of these weekly gatherings, please contact Mthr. Jean Hite to reserve a book. (Books will be available a week before the first meeting or at the first meeting.)
' st_image='' st_url=''>We are inviting all women to join us in a small group experience of the Psalms . . .
Psalms: Prayers of the Heart
Meeting weekly on Thursdays, 9:00 am in the Library.
Starting May 25 through August 10
If you are interested in attending any or all of these weekly gatherings, please contact Mthr. Jean Hite to reserve a book. (Books will be available a week before the first meeting or at the first meeting.)
' st_image='' st_url=''>We are inviting all women to join us in a small group experience of the Psalms . . .
Psalms: Prayers of the Heart
Meeting weekly on Thursdays, 9:00 am in the Library.
Starting May 25 through August 10
If you are interested in attending any or all of these weekly gatherings, please contact Mthr. Jean Hite to reserve a book. (Books will be available a week before the first meeting or at the first meeting.)
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