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    Men’s Study Group Begins

    Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

    Men’s Study Group Begins

    bible study

    Season is just around the corner, which means that our seasonal Men’s Study Group will soon be reconvening. Father Daniel Moore will be taking on the leadership of the group this year, and has some exciting plans in store. Our group will study the Bible together, and also read several books that will prompt us to think about our experience of God, the teachings of the Church, the art of reading Scripture, and the heart of our Faith. There will be no shortage of good fodder for conversation and reflection.

    Our meetings will take place in the church Family Room, on Thursday mornings, at 9:00 am. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, December 1. Men of all ages are welcome to attend. As a preview of things to come, the first book that we will read together is The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss by David Bentley Hart, an Eastern Orthodox theologian and cultural commentator. For questions, or to learn more, please contact Father Daniel at dmoore@trinitybythecove.com